STETZERiZER Powerstrip
is a new application of existing science and technology
designed to improve power quality in home and office
STETZERiZER powerstrip
is based upon 100
year-old science and power engineering principles. Newly
introduced is the design, which is focused on the needs
of the customers in homes, offices, schools, etc.
Filters have been extensively applied for decades by
industrial users and the electric utility industry
itself. The STETZERiZER filter is designed to filter
harmonics and other high frequency current (trash) from
the electrical environment, thereby reducing the
potential for leakage into the human environment and
creating additional trash in non-liner loads
(televisions, computers, variable frequency drives,
energy-efficient lighting, etc.).
The high frequency current (trash) on the neutral wire
in the electrical system is positioned to return
directly to the power system via the feeder neutral to
the substation, and possibly beyond. However, as is
often the case, the utility feeder neutral is not
adequately sized (as required by the Public Service
Commission of Wisconsin). If this is the case, much of
the return current will flow through the ground rather
than the feeder neutral. Under these conditions, the
STETZERiZER filters still provide benefits; this should
be seen as local mitigation rather than part of a
complete solution that requires an adequately sized
neutral return.
At 60 Hz the filters act as capacitors and normally
marginally improve the power factor of the customer
load, which are normally slightly inductive.
Typical Home Installation
Filters are designed to be installed throughout the home
in a pattern that corresponds to the distributed nature
of the need. For example, installing two filters close
to a desktop computer or a television is normally
appropriate and effective. Installing filters, normally
from two to six, close to the input power panel is
recommended to address high frequency currents entering
on the power lines. The total number of filters required
depends on the size of the home, the amount of
electrical equipment, and the quality of the power from
the grid. Twenty filters are normally adequate for a
"typical" house.
Installing an inadequate number of filters tends to
result in overloaded filters, leading to an ineffective
solution. The preferred installation method is to be
guided by the STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter, which
measures the amount of high frequency energy present.
Readings of 30 or lower indicate an acceptable
environment, while readings of 50 or higher indicate a
need for additional filters. Readings between 30 and 50
are marginally acceptable, but should be reduced if
anyone in the area is electrically sensitive.
The reader is encouraged to review the
Microsurge Meter Product Description, the
Filter Installation Instructions, and the STETZERiZER
Filter Frequently Asked Questions.